
Consumer-Centric Solutions

Consumers are increasingly impacted in their daily lives by a wave of new FINTECH solutions. This is supported by both the public’s sinking trust levels in financial institutions, as well as their desire to use cost-effective solutions that disintermediate. From P2P lending, mobile and wireless payments, wealth management or digital banking, individuals are using finance differently in the 21st century.

We therefore open the discussion to the businesses that provide novel solutions focused on consumers. This can include both FINTECH companies that are directly disintermediating financial institutions or the ones that are relying on the existing infrastructure but provide a better service in terms of price, solutions or user interface.

Submission Process:

If you wish contribute the “Consumer-Centric Solution” chapter of the FINTECH book, please follow these steps:

  1. Write an initial 300 word paragraph before 30 April 2015. Introduce what you wish to explore and why it matters, remember to make it catchy! Also add a quick 50 words about you.
  2. Your teaser article will be shared with the community in May 2015. They will have a chance to vote on your content.
  3. If you are selected by the community the editors will contact you and request that you write a 2,000 words article which will form part of the “Consumer-Centric Solution” chapter.
  4. If you are not selected by the community, the editors will none the less acknowledge your contribution in a special chapter which will list all the authors, the contact details and the category in which they wrote.

Ready? We look forward to reading your abstract so just e-mail us on “[email protected]” and put in the title “Submission: Consumer-Centric Solutions”.